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Froth Flotation Analysis of Oxidized Lead-zinc Ore

2019-09-24(18:20:36) 3162 2

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 Froth flotation is a process for selectively separating hydrophobic materials from hydrophilic,which is suitable for lead-zinc ore. But the flotation of oxidized lead-zinc ore is a difficult one. In the treatment of lead-zinc oxide ore, it is complicated to choose flotation reagent and process flow.

lead-zine ore flotation cell

The Reason Why Lead-zinc Oxide Ore Is Difficult to Separate

  • First, the composition of lead-zinc oxide ore is relatively complex, including a large amount of soluble salts such as gypsum, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, and carbonate , Sulfate, silicate, arsenate and other oxygen, sulfide, and a large amount of cinnamon soil produced in the oxidation process, it is very easy to mud, making it difficult to control the flotation operation. The soluble salts in the ore will not only aggregate the sludge, but also interact with the carbonate ions to form calcium carbonate, which will also cover the surface of the mineral and hinder the flotation of the lead-zinc oxide ore.

  • Another reason is that lead-zinc oxide usually has a complex structure. There are brecciate, disseminated, veinlets and other structures. The grain size of mineral chimerism is not uniform, and the intercalation relationship is complex. Lead and zinc oxide and gangue minerals are intercalated.

Tips for Oxidized Lead-Zinc Ore Froth Flotation

Add Sulfides to Sulfide Minerals

In the flotation process of oxidized lead-zinc ore, sulfide is added first to vulcanize the mineral for subsequent flotation treatment. The following problems should be paid attention to in the vulcanization treatment of lead oxide: first, white lead ore, lead alum and lead molybdate are easy to vulcanize, sodium sulfide, calcium sulfide, sodium sulfide and other vulcanizing agents can be used for treatment, but alum needs a long contact time in the vulcanization process, the amount of vulcanizing agent is also relatively large. Arsenic lead ore, chromium lead ore, phosphorus chloride lead ore and other difficult vulcanization, floatability is very poor, a large part of the flotation will be lost in the tailings.

Note That the Amount of the Vulcanizing Agent

Secondly, in the process of adding vulcanizing agent should pay attention to the amount of vulcanizing agent, excessive vulcanizing agent will inhibit the flotation of lead oxide minerals, will also make the PH is too low, adverse to the flotation process. The effects of excessive vulcanizing agents can be reduced by adding sodium sulphide in stages, or by adding a small amount of copper sulfate or ferrous sulfate.

The Choice of Collector

In addition, in the flotation stage, the common effective collector is long-chain Xanthate. According to different experimental results, zhong octyl Xanthate or no. 25 Aerofloat can also be selected. The selectivity of fatty acid collectors such as oleic acid and oxidized paraffin soap is poor, which is only suitable for high grade lead ore with silicate as the main vein stone.

During flotation treatment of oxidized sulfide mixed ore, lead sulfide is usually first surfaced, and then sulfide agent and xanthate are added to flotation lead oxide, and mud removal or water glass can be added to reduce the influence of fine mud and soluble salts.

The most valuable zinc oxide mineral is zinc calendrier, red zinc ore, silicon zinc ore and so on. In the flotation of zinc oxide mineral, the flotation operation can be carried out by adding yellow powder after vulcanization or cationic capture at normal temperature. The advantage of heating vulcanization method is that it can obtain better technical indexes, but if various factors are not controlled properly in the flotation process, the effect will fluctuate, and it is not suitable for the original ore containing a lot of ferric hydroxide. Cationic collector method suitable for dealing with high iron content of the material, this method is not very strict with the amount of curing agent, but the slime flotation effect compared to outstanding, can with soda, sodium silicate, such as the content below 15%, less than 0.01 mm of fine mud to suppress, if the content of fineness is bigger, may need to be done before flotation desliming process.

Oxidized Lead-zinc Froth Flotation Problems to Note

From the above description, we can get some problems that should be paid attention to in the froth flotation of lead and zinc oxide ore:

  • Before flotation of oxidized lead-zinc ore, the amount of vulcanizing agent should be paid attention to in the process of vulcanization.

  • In the process of flotation, pay attention to the impact of slime on the flotation effect.

  • The flotation of oxidized lead - zinc ore needs to choose suitable reagent and reasonable proportion.


According to the design project of a lead-zinc ore concentrator in Tibet undertaken by Xinhai mining equipment, the lead grade of oxidized ore is about 5% and that of zinc is about 15%. In addition, it also contains 80.4g/t of silver and 0.2g/t of gold. The oxidation rate of lead and zinc is 12.81% and 15.15% respectively. After taking into account the characteristics of the local geography and climate and the properties of the ore, xinhai ore charge adopted the preferential flotation process after the test, and allocated a reasonable reagent system and tailings treatment system for the ore, so that the lead concentrate and zinc concentrate could be reasonably recovered, and the silver mineral was also enriched in the lead concentrate as much as possible.


Therefore, before the construction of the lead-zinc oxide plant, the ore dressing test can not be ignored. The above three problems can be solved effectively through ore dressing test. The majority of mine owners must pay attention to the above problems before the construction of the flotation plant of lead and zinc oxide, according to the ore dressing test to develop the technological process.


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